Plan Your Perfect Getaway: 10 Essential Tips for Effective Holiday Preparation

Holiday planning is all fun and games until it comes to getting the nitty gritty details down, and navigating your way through these may be overwhelming and stressful for some. But don’t be hard on yourself if you find yourself in this position, you’re not the only one! In my experience, holiday planning, like many other things, is made simple through effective organising and pre-planning. On top of that, conducting thorough  background research well sets you up for getting the most out of your trip- something I value highly! With that in mind, here are my top tips for a smooth planning process that you can follow in the build up to the big trip. 

#1: Set a realistic budget: 

Before you dive into the fun aspects of holiday planning, it’s important to get some of the foundations straight first. It’s essential to define a realistic budget for your holiday before you get planning- based on your holiday goals. But this seemingly mundane task can be made fun by thinking about the type of holiday you have in mind- are you looking to splash out on a luxury relaxing resort, set off for weeks of trekking through jungles or party on a yacht with your girls? No matter what holiday you have in mind, you will get the most out of it by pre-defining how much spending money you’ll need. Check out my top tips for setting a holiday budget here. 

#2: Choose the right destination: 

There are endless opportunities on where to go on your holidays, depending on the time of year, your interests, the type of experience you want to have and so on. With countless resources at your disposal to inspire you, including travel blogs, social media pages, and stories from friends, the only downside to this part is that there will be too many options to choose from. I tend to watch YouTube travel vlogs and read travel blogs as first stops for inspiration. Pinterest is a great resource for finding travel blogs. Try to pick one place and go with it- or else you’ll be like me and spend way too much time chopping & changing between ideas. Then delving deep into the destination begins, and you can really get a feel for the place and set yourself up for an unforgettable journey. 

#3: Check out Visa Requirements

Some nationalities require Visas to enter certain countries, and it is important to check this out before you travel. Doing so can save you a lot of money as some visas much more expensive when you arrive comparing to pre-purchasing them online. Furthermore, the Visa process in airports can be lengthy and can buy into valuable travel time which is a complete waste in my opinion! There are plenty of websites that help you sort out your Visa- just be sure it’s a reliable source before using their service. I personally recommend iVisa for any information you need regarding travel documents.  

#4: Check out Transport: 

I think it’s common knowledge at this point, but the earlier you book your transport, especially your flights, the better deal you’ll find. Always compare different options- look at a variety of companies and compare prices- use sites such as skyscanner which automatically compare prices for you. Also, don’t be afraid of stopover flights- they can save you a lot of money and once you allow yourself sufficient time between connections you will be fine. For peace of mind, I always say to try to book connections with the same company as they are liable for looking after your luggage transfers, dealing with missed connections and so on. 

Otherwise, ensure your travel insurance covers any of the unforseen events that may occur for peace of mind. Don’t forget about transport when you land also! Check out transport links with either the airline you booked with or the place you’re staying- they usually have good deals for getting you from A to B when you land. 

#5: Research Accomodations & Activities: 

These two can be dealt with separately or together, depending on which takes priority on your trip. If you pick a luxurious all-inclusive resort, planning daytime activities will be an add on, whereas if you plan on driving a motorbike through the Vietnamese countryside, slotting accommodation in along the way as a second thought will suffice. Either way, it’s always good to do some research about the options that are available to you, and try to find stays or experiences that are off the beaten-path such as on airbnb for a unique adventure. 

#6: Plan your itinerary: 

Once you have ticked all of the above boxes, you can now start into planning out your day-by-day (or week-by-week) itinerary. This is by far the most fun part in my eyes. There are so many ways to tackle the time you have and you can choose to spend your time in whatever way you like- how exciting! Depending on they type of person you are, you may want to have everything planned down to the minute, or you may like to go with the flow of things by just having a rough idea of what’s available to you. Either way, it’s a good idea to atleast know what your options are before you go, so you know what your scope of activities are and you have no regrets post holiday knowing you fulfilled your days exactly as you wanted to. Writing down & setting out what you will do helps to clarify what your holiday will look like, but always leave room for flexibility and spontaneity! Get in touch if you would like more help from me with your itinerary planning- I love this kind of thing!!

#7: Pack Wisely: 

The impact that packing wisely has on your holiday is unmatched and can really make or break your trip. If you’re going on a relaxing, sun holiday, packing nice outfits that make you feel good may enhance the entire experience of your holiday. If you’re backpacking Asia for months, packing according to what you need and more importantly what you can carry is essential. Furthermore, there are lots of little items that you will need to have with you but may forget if you are not organised, such as travel adaptors, suncream and bug spray! For a more in-detail guide on packing, check out my article on packing like a pro here. 

#8: The power of technology: 

Technology has its pros and cons in todays world, but in terms of travel it certainly favours pros which makes travelling a whole pile easier. There are some apps that I genuinely could not travel without, such as Google Maps, Google Translate, XE Currency Converter and Check out my full, detailed guide on the apps you need for your travels here. 

Alongside apps, having connection wherever you go is essential in my opinion. Sure, it’s nice to cut yourself off and be present while you explore, but from a safety point of view it’s always wise to have a backup plan to contact someone or book a taxi if needs be. This couldn’t be any easier with the availability of E-Sims or pocket Wi-fi devices. Some of my favourites are Mobimatter, FlexiRoam and Pokify, but there are lots of options available with a variety of packages so you’re sure to find one to suit your needs. 

#9: Think about your safety: 

Another factor to consider before heading off is the what you may need to protect your health and safety while travelling. In certain destinations, it is mandatory to get vaccinations against specific diseases that you may be exposed to. To find up-to-date information about the requirements for the country you’re visiting, check out the CDC’s Traveler Health website where you can input the country you’re visiting and find out everything you need to know. Alongside vaccines, it is also important to pre-plan any medication you may need while you travel. For example, food poisoning is commonplace in certain asian destinations, so having a few packets of immodium with you might not be any harm. *Disclaimer- I am not a doctor so don’t take my advice as bible and consult a medical professional before taking any medication*. 

On top of that, the number one thing that is a MUST when travelling is travel insurance. It’s never something we want to have to use, but if the time comes, you’ll be damn glad you covered yourself and don’t have the hassle of covering unanticipated bills from any sort of incidents that may happen. Also, don’t underestimate the power of shopping around to get the best value in insurance- don’t just buy the first one that pops up as it may not be the best! 

#10: Order a travel card: 

Talk to your bank and see what your options are for reduced fees on spending while abroad. If you’re travelling for a while, the extra fees on purchases will add up, and could be avoided completely by using options such as a travel card. If you’re in Europe, you should definitely be using Revolut. If not, check out deals with your individual bank. Aside from saving money, having a travel card may also protect you from credit card fraud, which unfortunately is very commonplace these days. I always like to have a backup card with me while travelling- just incase!
So that’s it. That is my comprehensive list of travel tips that should help you to get started with your holiday planning. You should use this list, or make your own, and tick off each task as it is completed so you know exactly what you have done and what is left to do. Of course there are many things that are not covered in these lists that you may need to think about, so sit down and have a good think before getting started with your planning. And as always, feel free to get in touch if there is anything you feel I can help you with.

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